Enduring Collaborations: Joseph D. Lichtenberg Remembered

A Tribute
For Joe the Bold: A Tribute
Sandra G. Hershberg M.D.

Introduction to Enduring Collaborations: Joe Lichtenberg Remembered
Sandra G. Hershberg M.D & Linda Gunsberg Ph.D.

The Creation and Evolution of Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Melvin Bornstein M.D.

Joe’s Completed Arc of Generativity
Allen M. Siegel M.D.

The Enduring Trio: The Writing Collaboration among Lichtenberg, Lachmann, and Fosshage
For Joe
Frank Lachmann Ph.D. & Annette Lachmann

Joe, a Deep and Abiding Friendship
James L. Fosshage Ph.D., P.A.

The Creativity Seminar
Joe Lichtenberg’s Creativity Seminar: The Definition of Genius
R. Curtis Bristol M.D.

The Writing and Music Collaboration between Joe and Diana Thielst
How “From Autism and Mutism to an Enlivened Self” Came to Life
Diana Thielst M.D.

The Founding and Evolution of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis [ICP&P]
The Birth of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
Rosemary Segalla Ph.D.

Joe’s Lasting Influence on the ICP+P Psychoanalytic Training Program
Sandra G. Hershberg M.D.

The Oral History Collaboration between Joe, Linda Gunsberg, and Sandra Hershberg [Psychoanalytic Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice: Reading Joseph D. Lichtenberg]
The Collaborative Narrative: A State of Mind for Two Interviewers and One Living Subject
Sandra G. Hershberg M.D. & Linda Gunsberg Ph.D.

Joe’s Contributions to the Integration of Attachment Theory into Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice: A Mind Rooted in the Body
Listening to Attachment: A Tribute to Joseph Lichtenberg
Diana Diamond Ph.D.

Further Reflections on Joe and the Embodied Self: A Mind Rooted in the Body
Sandra G. Hershberg M.D.

Joe’s Applications of Infant Observation and Developmental Theory to Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice
A Tribute to Joe Lichtenberg – A Colleague and a Friend
Patricia Nachman Ph.D.

The History of Psychoanalysis Study Group
Enduring Collaborations: Our History of Psychoanalysis Group with Joe
Michael D. Clifford Ph.D.

Joe’s Influence on the International Scene of Self Psychology, and the Influence of Joe’s Contributions on Motivation within the International Psychoanalytic Community
Knowledge on a Background of Beauty: Joe’s Contributions to the Development of the Italian Self Psychological Institute in Its Many Dimensions
Gianni Nebbiosi Ph.D.

Joseph D. Lichtenberg’s Reception in Germany
Ron Bodansky Ph.D.

Joe Lichtenberg – Joint Israel Memories
Gabriela Mann Ph.D., Ra’anan Kulka M.A. & Eldad Iddan M.A.

Epilogue: Saying Goodbye: Are We Really?
Linda Gunsberg Ph.D.